Debunking Nursing Myths
It appears everything you can think of these days has a Nursing Myths or two surrounding it. Although we are more educated in the 21st century than ever before, and although we have so much knowledge at our fingertips thanks to technology, the fact is that myths can still become powerful if we don’t research them and try to understand more about them.
In many cases, myths aren’t a problem. They are entertaining, and in some cases, they can even help a company advertise better by using them. However, they can also be negative, and that’s the case when it comes to nursing. Due to the myths that link to nursing, some people who would make excellent nurses are turned off the idea. Let’s look at some of the most prevalent nursing myths and the truth behind them.
Only Women Become Nurses
When you think of a typical nurse, it’s likely a woman who comes to mind. The idea is so firmly planted in the heads of the public, that it can still seem like a surprise to find a male nurse (even the fact that the term ‘male nurse’ exists shows that it’s seen as unusual) when going to the hospital or any other healthcare facility.
The truth is that, of course, nursing is open to everyone, not just women. This was not the case when nursing first started – nurses were women and doctors were men – but that is no longer the case today. The problem with the myth, though, is that it means many men who would be wonderful nurses don’t even think about the profession. In a time when there is a nursing shortage, and a time when we are trying so hard to make the world an equal place, this seems such a shame.
Nurses Only Work in Hospitals
Another myth about nurses is that they only work in hospitals, and they only work directly with patients. This indeed is what a lot of nurses do in their daily working lives, and it’s true that this is why a lot of people who study to become nurses choose the profession in the first place, it’s not everything – it’s not the only way a nurse can work. There are many different working environments where a nurse would be needed. Some of them include:
- Prisons
- Schools
- Cruise ships
- Travel nursing
- Home nursing
- Care homes
- Private clinics
Not only that, but there are dozens of different kinds of nurses. If you want to help people directly, then the traditional nursing role would work well for you. You want to work in a certain department, you can choose that. If you want to work in admin rather than in a patient-facing role, you can opt for that as well. There are even nursing roles that can be done from home. As you can see, there is more than one way to be a nurse.
It’s Easy to Become a Nurse
The myth that it’s easy to become a nurse because it’s ‘just’ making people comfortable and dressing wounds or giving medication is a strange one, and it holds no truth at all. It’s challenging to become a nurse, and you need to have many years of education and experience in place before you can move into a management position, for example. You must always keep learning, and when it comes to exactly what you need to know, the list is long and involves a lot of medical information and terminology.
Nursing is certainly not easy. – Nursing Myths
However, the route to nursing has become easier, which is good to know. There are now many more opportunities for people to become a nurse thanks to more flexible learning – including online courses – and the opportunities to take more time studying on a part-time basis. There is also a lot more information accessible Online Dating, which will enhance your studies. If you want to be a nurse, you must be prepared to work hard and learn a lot, but if you’re passionate about the idea, it’s worth doing.
There’s No Career Advancement – Nursing Myths
We’ve already mentioned the many different areas of nursing that are available to study for and look into, and part of this is career advancement. Unless you know more about nursing, it’s easy to assume there is just one level of nursing, and nowhere to go if you are an ambitious person. Again, this can cause some people who would be great nurses to shy away from the idea as they want to be leaders and managers, and they don’t think that nursing will offer them that opportunity.
As this is an article debunking nursing myths, you probably already know that this is not the reality, and that actually, there are many ways for a nurse to progress their career if they want to. Most of these opportunities will include a lot of experience and potentially gaining additional qualifications, but if you are driven to go further and succeed, these are things you’ll take in your stride.
There are many ways to be a nurse, and nurse leaders exist. Not only do they exist, but they are integral to smoothly operating healthcare facilities and good patient care. You can truly make a difference if you want to be a nurse and progress through the different levels to become a leader in your specific nursing discipline.
Nurses Work Crazy Hours – Nursing Myths
The idea that nurses work crazy hours has a lot more credence to it. Than a lot of the other ideas on this list. The truth is that nurses do work long hours, and because. They work shifts, it can seem as though there isn’t much downtime. When you factor in overtime and helping colleagues by switching shifts with them. It can look as though nurses only ever work and never have any time with their friends or family.
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As we’ve said, this is partly true. Nurses do work long hours, and if they take on overtime. Those hours will be much longer. However, there are some things to bear in mind. Firstly, you don’t have to work overtime if you are a nurse, and in some cases. You won’t be able to if you have worked a certain number of hours with a day off already. Next, there are some definite benefits. When it comes to working shifts; you’ll have long days. But you’ll also have three or four days off at a time, rather than the standard two days most people who don’t work shifts would have over the weekend. This can mean that you can organize more time with friends and family, and ensure you have time for your hobbies, all of which are good for you.
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